Personal Visa Immigration Attorney, Migration Lawyers in Melbourne
Erskine Rodan & Associates has decades of experience advising on personal and family migration solutions.
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While many people decide to complete personal visa applications without professional immigration attorney assistance, migration law is an area of law that changes regularly. An immigration lawyer will help you decide which visa is best suited to your circumstances based on the current legislative requirements. They will also be able to assist with your application by ensuring that it contains the most relevant and complete documentation, and monitor the progress of your application by liaising with the Department of Immigration or the Tribunal or Court that is handling your matter.
Our staff comprises of very well experienced lawyers and immigration attorney who benefit from the years of training and solid legal background that a law degree provides. This benefit naturally extends to our clients. Additionally, only a lawyer, and not a migration agent, will be able to represent you in a court of law, should your matter require it.

Tourist Visa, Visitor Visa, Personal Visa, Refugee Visas, Australian Citizenship, Immigration Attorney Melbourne, Immigration Lawyers Melbourne