Refugee Visa Immigration Lawyers Australia
If you have reason to fear persecution or substantial discrimination in your home country, then there may be several visa options available to you.
If you are NOT in Australia
- Refugee (subclass 200) visa for people who the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has referred to Australia for re-settlement.
- In-Country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201) visa for people who are still living in their country and have been unable to leave.
- Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) visa for people who are subject to substantial discrimination in their home country, and have an Australian citizen, permanent resident or organisation willing to propose them.
- Emergency Rescue (subclass 203) visa for people who the UNHCR has referred to Australia as they are in imminent danger.
- Woman at Risk (subclass 204) visa for women living outside their home country without the protection of a male relative and who are in danger of victimisation, harassment or serious abuse because of their gender.
There is a very limited number of resettlement places available each year for the grant of Refugee and Humanitarian visas and as a result, only applicants in the most compelling circumstances are generally granted visas to come to Australia.
Prospective Refugee and Humanitarian visa applicants with an Australian proposer or supporter may wish to consider lodging an Expression of Interest with an approved Community Support Program (CSP) Approved Proposing Organisation in Australia.
Refugee Visa & Humanitarian Visa Immigration Lawyers Australia
If you are IN Australia
- Protection (subclass 866) visa for people who are in Australia and are subject to persecution in their home country. Applicants will also be assessed against Complementary Protection criteria, namely whether there is a real risk that the person will suffer certain types of harm if returned home.
- Temporary Protection (subclass 785) visa for people who arrived in Australia as unlawful maritime arrivals (i.e., by boat, without a valid visa) who have been advised by the Department of Home Affairs that they may lodge a subclass 785 visa application or who already hold a subclass 785 or subclass 790 visa.
This visa allows holders to live, work and study in Australia for three years, and can only apply for another subclass 785 or a Safe Haven Enterprise (subclass 790) visa while they are in Australia.
- Safe Haven Enterprise (subclass 790) visa for people who arrived in Australia as unlawful maritime arrivals (i.e., by boat, without a valid visa) who have been advised by the Department of Home Affairs that they may lodge a subclass 790 visa application or who already hold a subclass 785 or subclass 790 visa.
Refugee Visa & Humanitarian Visa Immigration Lawyers Australia
This visa allows holders to live, work and study in Australia for five years, and holders may be able to apply for certain other Australian visas provided they meet the ‘pathway’ requirements – namely that they have lived, worked and/or studied in regional Australia for at least 42 months while holding a subclass 790 visa. The other visas that may be applied for where pathway requirements are met include certain skilled visas, employer-sponsored visas, student, family, and business skills visas.
Refugee and Humanitarian visas are a highly politicised visa category, subject to frequent changes. Every year the Department of Home Affairs receives many thousands of Refugee and Humanitarian visa applications, but only a small fraction of the most compelling cases are granted, depending on the prevailing (and ever-changing) views and policies of the Department of Home Affairs. Applicants should also be aware that there are several factors that, while potentially crucial to a successful application, are not widely known or published on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.
When your life or your relative’s life is at risk, and the odds are against you, you need to get the best representation possible. In this respect, we have helped many clients from around the world obtain Refugee and Humanitarian visas.
To discuss your options with a specialist immigration lawyer call +613 9329 8744 right now or complete the form below to get your consultation.