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Immigration Lawyers Melbourne

Tourist Visa and Working Holiday Visa

If you would like to come to Australia for a visit, you have a range of options. These include:

Tourist Visa and Working Holiday Visa in Australia
Tourist Visa and Working Holiday Visa in Australia
  • Visitor (subclass 600) visa for tourists, business visitors and to visit family for stays of up to 12 months in one of the following streams:
    • Tourist Stream
    • Sponsored Family Stream – for visitors with an eligible relative in Australia who is willing to sponsor them.
    • Business Visitor Stream – be careful to understand the limitations in terms of what are considered to be ‘business visitor activities’.
    • Approved Destination Status Stream – for citizens from certain areas of China visiting Australia on a tour organised by an approved travel agent.
    • Frequent Traveller Stream – for citizens of the People’s Republic of China who travel often to Australia for business or personal reasons.
  • Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) visa (ETA) available to passport holders from specific countries, for visits of up to 3 months at a time.
  • eVisitor (subclass 651) visa available to passport holders from specific countries, for visits of up to 3 months at a time.
  • Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa for longer visits, supplemented by work, currently available to young people aged between 18 and 30 years from Belgium, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom.

Tourist Visa and Working Holiday Visa : Immigration Lawyers Australian Visa

Visa-applicants aged between 18 and 35 years who are from Canada, France and the Republic of Ireland are also eligible for subclass 417 visas.

Under certain circumstances, individuals who hold their first subclass 417 visa may be eligible for a second subclass 417 visa, and some individuals who already hold their second subclass 417 visa may even be eligible for a third.

  • Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa for longer visits, supplemented by work, currently available to young people aged between 18 and 30 years from Argentina, Austria, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, the USA, Uruguay and Vietnam.

Tourist Visa and Working Holiday Visa : Immigration Lawyers Australian Visa

Under certain circumstances, individuals who hold their first subclass 462 visa may be eligible for a second subclass 462 visa, and some individuals who already hold their second subclass 462 visa may even be eligible for a third.

Certain visitor visas can be difficult to obtain depending on your specific circumstances. Applicants should be aware that there are several factors that, while potentially crucial to a successful application, are not widely known or published on the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

If you need expert guidance, call a specialist immigration lawyer right now on +613 9329 8744.

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