January 2021
Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program re-opened on Tuesday, 5 January 2021.
The full program, like the interim program from September 2020, is focused on Victoria’s health response and economic recovery.
Victoria’s total number of nomination places in the Skilled visa program for the 2020-21 program year is as follows:

Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program (subclass 190 & 491)
Applicants must register their interest on the Live in Melbourne website and be selected to apply for Victorian visa nomination.
However registrations of interests will only be accepted during ‘submission windows’ listed on the Live in Melbourne website, which also provides associated ‘selection days’.
If an applicant is not selected immediately after their submission window, they will still be considered for future selections (i.e., there is no need to submit further registrations of interest in future submission windows).
The Victorian Government has also changed its eligibility requirements, and applicants must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for nomination:
Skilled Nomination (subclass 190) visa:
- Already be living in Victoria;
- Already be working in Victoria (with a minimum of six (6) months employment);
- Work in a highly skilled occupation in health, medical research or life sciences which supports Victoria’s economic recovery and/or health response.
Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:
- Already be living in regional Victoria;
- Already be working in regional Victoria (with a minimum of three (3) months employment);
- Work in a highly skilled occupation in health, medical research, life sciences, agri-food or digital sectors which supports Victoria’s economic recovery and/or health response.
To speak with an experienced, specialist immigration lawyer regarding your eligibility for Victorian nomination or your other Australian visa options, please contact us on +61 3 9329 8744 or by email at info@erskinerodan.com.au