January 2021
Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program re-opened on Tuesday, 5 January 2021.
Victoria’s full 2020-21 Business Innovation and Investment nomination program opened on 4 January 2021 (following the limited opening of the program for the Significant Investor stream applicants on 30 November 2020).
The Department of Home Affairs has allocated the Victorian Government a further 1,350 visa nomination places, in addition to the 400 places available as part of the interim program.
The Victorian Government has made changes to its nomination criteria with a view to strengthening Victoria’s ability to select the world’s best businesspeople and investors who will:
- Create new jobs for Victorians;
- Boost innovation in strategic sectors (digital technologies, advanced manufacturing, health and life sciences, agri-food, new energy and emissions reduction, circular economy and priority precincts);
- Generate forward-looking businesses utilising their qualifications in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) fields.
Full details of the new nomination criteria for each visa type/stream in the Business Innovation and Investment program can be viewed on the Live in Melbourne website.
维多利亚州商业创新与投资计划(BIIP)将于2021年1月4日 开放 |
维多利亚州2020-21财年商业与投资签证提名申请(子类别188A、188B、188E、132A以及132B)将于2021年1月4日星期一澳大利亚东部标准时间上午10点重新开放。重大投资者(子类别188C)签证提名申请已于11月30日星期一开放。 联邦政府内政事务部已向维州政府提供了额外的1350个签证提名名额。此前,维州政府已在临时计划分配中获得了400个名额。因此,维州商业创新与投资计划在2020-21财年的总名额为1750。 提名要求变更 商业创新与投资计划将于2021年1月4日重新开放,届时维州提名要求将有所变更,请确保了解最新要求。 新要求有助于维州优选全球最佳商务人才和投资者,他们将能: a) 为维州当地居民创造工作机会 b) 增强战略行业(数字技术、先进制造业、卫生与生命科学、农业食品、新能源与减排、循环经济和优先发展园区)的创新 c) 利用自身在科学、技术、工程、数学和医药(简称STEMM)领域具备的学历,创建具有前瞻性的企业 请在此查看相关子类别下维多利亚州商业创新与投资计划的最新提名要求。 通过Live in Melbourne网端提交申请时,请确保随附最新的提名条件表。期待收到您的申请。 |
To speak with an experienced, specialist immigration lawyer regarding your eligibility the Business Innovation and Investment Program, or your other Australian visa options, please contact us on +61 3 9329 8744 or by email at info@erskinerodan.com.au