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Immigration Lawyers Melbourne

SIV and Managed Funds

SIV and Managed Funds

Under the new SIV regulations, investors must invest:

  • At least AU$500,000 in eligible Australian venture capital or growth private equity fund(s) investing in start-up and small private companies;
  • At least AU$1.5 million in an eligible managed fund(s) or Listed Investment Companies (LICs) that invest in emerging companies; and,
  • A ‘balancing investment’ of up to AU$3 million in managed fund(s) or LICs that invest in a combination of eligible assets that include Australian listed securities, eligible corporate bonds or notes, annuities and real property (subject to the 10 per cent limit on residential real estate).

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s requirements in relation to an investment made through a venture capital fund or a managed investment fund are summarized as follows:

  • For Australian financial services licence, a person issuing the interests in the venture capital fund or the managed investment fund (theissuer) or a person authorised by the issuer to manage the investment, or to make the investment, on the issuer’s behalf must hold, or be otherwise covered by, an Australian financial services licence; or be exempt from any provision of the Corporations Act 2001. In addition, the central management and control of a person (other than an individual) must be in Australia. Further, the investor and/or their spouse or de facto partner and any associate of the investor, spouse or de facto partner, must not be a person or be involved in the management or control of, or in partnership with, a person.
  • For Australian residential real property, no direct residential real property investment may be made through the fund. The value of all residential real property investments is no more than 10% of the value of the fund’s net assets. The investment is not made for the dominant purpose of deriving financial benefits and assisting the investor, their spouse or de facto partner or any other member of the their family unit to reside in or gain legal ownership in Australian residential real property.

For assistance with issues relevant to those highlighted above, and other any immigration related matters, do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email, or submit a booking enquiry online at

Telephone: (03) 9329 8744


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