Need a Partner Visa? Contact us, Reliable Australian Immigration Lawyers

Partner Visas Australia
If you are in a relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, you may be able to apply for a partner visa. The relevant visas are:
- Subclass 820 Partner Temporary visa and Subclass 801 Partner Permanent Visa. These visas are for married or de facto partner applicants who are onshore. The two visas are usually lodged as a single application, with the permanent visa granted (if successful) after two years
- Subclass 309 Partner Temporary visa and Subclass 100 Partner Permanent Visa. These visas are for married or de facto partner applicants who are offshore. The two visas are usually lodged as a single application, with the permanent visa granted (if successful) after two years
- Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa. This temporary visa is for fiance applicants who are offshore
Partner Visas Australia Immigration Lawyers
It is important for partner visas that you submit an application with strong and relevant evidence of your relationship. A well-prepared, decision-ready application is not only more likely to be granted, but is likely to be granted sooner as well.
Some of the issues we regularly assist clients with include:
- proving, or obtaining exemptions from, the requirement for de facto couples to have lived together for 12 months.
- applications for official registration of relationships.
- waiving the two year waiting period for permanent residency.
- same sex couples.
- health waivers.
- submissions on character issues.
- relationship breakdowns and domestic violence.
Applicants should be aware that there are several factors that, while potentially crucial to a successful application, are not widely known or published on the Department of Immigration’s website.
If you need expert guidance, call a specialist immigration lawyer right now on +613 9329 8744.