November 2021
The holder of a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa or a Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa must undertake certain periods of “specified work” in order to secure their second and/or third visas.
What periods of “specified work” are required?
In order to qualify for a second Working Holiday (subclass 417) or Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, the applicant must have completed three (3) months of specified work.
In turn, to quality for a third Working Holiday (subclass 417) or Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, the applicant must have completed six (6) months of specified work.
What is “specified work”?
Specified work is work that is undertaken in a ‘specified’ industry and area of Australia.
The following industries and areas are approved for specified work:
- tourism and hospitality in northern, remote or very remote Australia only;
- plant and animal cultivation in regional Australia;
- fishing and pearling in regional Australia;
- tree farming and felling in regional Australia;
- mining in regional Australia;
- construction in regional Australia;
- bushfire recovery work in declared bushfire affected areas only, after 31 July 2019;
- critical COVID-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors anywhere in Australia, after 31 January 2020.
Each of the above industries and areas has specific kinds of work that is specified for this purpose, which must be the primary role, function or activity performed during your employment.
Thus supporting work, such as book-keeping, in any industry listed above, does not meet the definition of specified work.
What work is excluded?
As a result of regulatory changes that were made on 23 July 2021, any employment that is completed by the holder of a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa or a Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa for an “excluded employer” cannot be counted towards the specified work requirements in order to qualify for a second or third visa.
Under the new changes, the Minister may specify an employer as being “excluded” if satisfied that:
- the employer may pose a risk to the safety or welfare of a person performing work in the employment, or under the supervision, of the employer; or
- the performance of work in the employment, or under the supervision, of the employer may pose a risk to the safety or welfare of a person.
If a person or body has been specified by the Minister to be an “excluded employer”, their name and details will be published online.
The Minister has not as of yet specified any person or body as an “excluded employer”.
More information about Working Holiday (subclass 417) and Work & Holiday (subclass 462) visas can be accessed [ CLICK HERE ]
View Link: Working Holiday (subclass 417) / Work & Holiday (subclass 462) visas
To speak with an experienced, specialist immigration lawyer regarding your Australian visa application or options, please contact us on +61 3 9329 8744 or by email at