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Immigration Lawyers Melbourne

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Continuity of Service

Immigration Lawyer Visa Australia Covid 19 Coronavirus Continuity of Service

Dear clients,

With the recent developments related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus), it is natural that we are all a little concerned.

As much as possible, we are continuing to operate as normal and do not envisage that this will have any real impact upon our provision of legal services for the benefit of our clients and referral networks. 

It may mean though that we make some changes to the way that we do things, for example making greater use of video conferencing facilities where appropriate.

We are aware that certain members of the community are more susceptible to infection than the bulk of the population and are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for clients, team members and visitors of our firm.

As a firm, we are taking measures in line with advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health Emergency Operating Centres (PHEOC).  

  • Clients and Visitors – for all clients, guests, suppliers and contractors who have travelled from or transited through any international location in the last 14 days, we ask that you advise your Erskine Rodan and Associates contact and set up a virtual meeting instead of a face-to-face meeting. We use Zoom Video Conferencing or Skype and we can help you through the setup – all you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone. Alternatively, we ask that you defer the meeting for 14 days.
  • Office Hygiene – high traffic areas will be regularly wiped down with disinfectant wipes several times during the day to minimise the risk of residual viral deposits. This includes all meeting room and entry/exit door handles and all team members are conscious of the need for additional hygiene measures.
  • Working Remotely – we have IT and cyber security systems in place for our team members to be fully functional when and if working away from the office and still be able to communicate with you.
  • Symptoms – all team members have been advised to self-quarantine and work remotely if they experience any flu-like symptoms, regardless of their travel history.
  • Business Continuity – we take our responsibility to you seriously and will  ensure that we can continue to deliver a high level of service to you, in a range of possible scenarios and different market environments.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

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