September 2021
What is the SHEV pathway?
The Safe Haven Enterprise (subclass 790) visa (SHEV) pathway gives some SHEV holders working and/or studying in regional areas the option to apply for certain visas (including some permanent visas) in Australia.
Generally, to be eligible for this pathway you must work without receiving Special Benefit social security payments, and/or study full-time in a SHEV regional area for a total of 42 months (3 and a half years).
The 42 months do not have to be continuous and can be over multiple periods while holding a SHEV.
What are the concessions?
The Australian Government has provided COVID-19 related concessions to SHEV holders seeking to meet the SHEV pathway requirements if they were unable to meet certain of the requirements during the COVID-19 concession period.
The COVID-19 concession period commenced on 1 February 2020, and there is not presently an end date.
The concession period allows all SHEV holders (both current and former) seeking to meet the SHEV pathway requirements to count time towards the pathway requirement if, during a concession period and while holding a SHEV, they:
- access Special Benefit payments, or
- are unemployed, or
- work outside a SHEV regional area in an essential service
Further information in relation to SHEV’s and the SHEV pathway can be accessed here
LINK: SHEV Refugee Visa / Humanitarian Visa
To speak with an experienced, specialist immigration lawyer regarding your Australian visa application or options, please contact us on +61 3 9329 8744 or by email at