April 2020
Visitor visa holders
Visitor visa holders should attempt to return home if possible, if they stay they will need to support themselves.
Student visa holders
Student visa holders who have been here for at least 12 months will have access to their Australian superannuation.
The Government will also be flexible in cases where Coronavirus has prevented international students meeting their visa conditions (including but not limited to circumstances where they have not been able to attend classes).
International students working in aged care and as nurses have had their allowable work hours extended (beyond the usual 40 hours per fortnight) to support these critical sectors.
International students working in the major supermarkets had also had these hours extended. However, from 1 May 2020, their hours will return to the maximum 40 hours a fortnight.
New Zealand citizens
New Zealand citizens who are on 444 visas and arrived before 26 February 2001 will have access to welfare payments and the JobKeeper payment.
New Zealand citizens who are on 444 visa holders who arrived in Australia after 2001 have access to the JobKeeper payment.
New Zealanders who are on 444 visas, who have lived in Australia for 10 years or more have access to JobSeeker payments for six months.
Temporary Skilled visa holders
Temporary Skilled Visa holders will still have valid visas if stood down by their employer, or if their work hours are reduced. They can stay and draw on super (up to $10,000 per year), or leave and return to Australia in the future.
In the event that a 4-year Temporary Skilled Visa holder is re-employed by the same business after the Coronavirus pandemic, their time spent in Australia will count towards the requisite work experience requirements for the transition to permanent residence under the Employer Nomination Scheme.
Working holiday makers
Working holiday makers who are working in critical sectors (i.e. heath, aged and disability care, agriculture and food processing, and childcare) will be exempt from the six month work limitation with the one employer and eligible for a further visa to keep working in these critical sectors if their current visa is due to expire in the next six months.
Working holiday makers travelling to farms for fruit-picking and other jobs will be forced to self-isolate for 14 days to avoid spreading coronavirus.
Temporary graduate visa holders
They will also be able to access their Australian superannuation if needed for support.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.