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Immigration Lawyers Melbourne

Rogue Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers

Is your immigration lawyer or migration agent registered? It seems like a funny question to ask, but from time to time we have clients come to us after falling prey to someone they thought was qualified to help them who, upon further enquiry, turns out to be unregistered.

For example, Immigration recently raided a suspected unlawful migration agency in Melbourne. The business allegedly promised its clients a fast and easy route to permanent residence. Now it appears their clients find themselves not only out of pocket, but with greater visa problems than from the outset.

It bears repetition that anyone in Australia holding themself out as a migration agent is required by law to be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) – their register can be checked here:

In the case of immigration lawyers, they must also be registered with the MARA, in addition to holding a legal practising certificate with the relevant legal authority for that state or territory. For example, for immigration lawyers in Melbourne this would be the Legal Services Board, whose register can be searched here:

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